We have finally launched PrivacyVaults, our very own yield optimizer.

1 min readMay 25, 2021

How does it work?
1) You stake LPs of the pools you are interested to earn from.
2) It is auto harvested and compounded back into the principle.
3) Earn.
How Much Does it Cost?
The fees are charged ON profits. NOT principle and are as follows. 3% goes to users who stake into the PRV Single Asset Vault (to be implemented tomorrow). 1.0% goes to developers. 0.5% goes to the strategist (the person who writes the strategy of the vault) and 0.5% goes to the harvester (person who calls the harvest function). Because compounding requires more gas fees overall, and compounding requires a longer runway to see bigger rewards, users will need some time to see their yield grow.
The risks are only inherent to the stability of the underlying vaults (not under our purview). But we ensure that we pick stable and trusted platforms to which to optimize your vaults on.
Ready? Go now. Click on PrivacyVaults from https://privacyswap.finance to start optimizing your yield now. Full guide and PRV vaults are to follow shortly on Medium and Twitter. But you heard it here first!

